Monday, October 24, 2011

Monologue Draft One.

I've always been one to believe that you come upon things for a reason. That song that plays and describes exactly how you feel--it wasn't a just a coincidence. That quote you read online somewhere or those words someone spoke to you that suddenly make everything make sense. It was supposed to be that way. The words that I needed the most came to me in July. I had been reading this book, "It's Easier Than You Think" by Sylvia Boorstein. Her story changed everything for me. See, it all started last December. My best friend abandoned me--just woke up one day and told me I was too emotional to be around. I mean, too emotional? What is that even supposed to mean? What was I supposed to be? A brick!? The funny thing was, that "emotion" I shouldn't have was what let me be her friend for so long. She had been really messing things up with her life, making huge mistakes, treating people decided then that I would never forgive her, actively reminding myself every day of what she did. For once, I was going to stand up for myself and not be the bigger person in give in. I gave up believing that she could be a good person and a good friend. I gave up defending her and thinking she had changed. For almost a year I struggled with this, just despising her existence and wishing she would just be sorry for what she did. I became a brick. At least toward her, anyways. In the book, Boorstein mentions an elderly woman who was so incredibly angry for her whole life that it became an auto-pilot emotion for her. .

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