Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yesterday's Sunshine.

Yesterday was seriously so beautiful in a multitude of ways.

Not only did I wake up to the most wonderful weather, but I got to wear my Kings of Leon concert tee (which, in retrospect, probably wasn't the best idea since it is black and it was sunny and hot out, but I love it, so it doesn't matter), but also I had a refreshing smoothie, had a good hair day, and got to shoot a lil' film with a friend from my HP literature and film class. I got my mini-tutorial on the light board, which helped, but I am still nervous about the whole thing. So that wasn't the greatest part of my day, but I did get to see Britt and Katie while I was there so that was rather nice.

But the highlight of my day came soon afterward. Heading to my car to drive home to help out at Taylor, I debated with myself for a few moments whether or not to quickly go back to my dorm to change my shirt/grab my sunglasses. Well, I did and it was the best decision I made all week. I was pleasantly surprised by that someone. There was a great conversation, not deep or meaningful or personal or anything, but it was light, simple, fun, friendly. Sometimes those are the best kind. I don't know what all of it meant, if anything, but I hope it is a sign of good things to come, big or small.

It was one of those moments, even one of those days, that seemed...familiar somehow. Almost like a memory. When I have moments like that I feel connected to something--the universe, the cosmos, fate, whatever you want to call it. Like everything was in sync that today and what was meant or supposed to happen did. It's nearly impossible to put into words, but I am sure that whenever I look back and read this I will know the feeling/sensation I am talking about. I felt like I was on the right path yesterday and I was rewarded for my attitude and efforts. Seems strange and maybe even a stretch, but it couldn't have been a stronger feeling than that.

It just felt really good to be alive yesterday. A lot of memories were made that day and they all gave me good feelings in one way or another. Even my moment of anger.

I think that it's days like yesterday, moments like yesterday's, that make it all worth it. Going through months of winter, rain, and struggle and then to be rewarded with a perfectly spectacular day like that, is probably one of the greatest feelings possible and I'm so happy I got to experience it.

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