Friday, March 23, 2012

3/20/2012: Rehearsal Thoughts

It seems like all the good days lately have been warm and sunny. Or, at least, the warmth and the sun make the day better simply by their presence. I ran into the Gemini a couple times, he engaged with me the second time. The weather was lovely and I spent lunch out on the ampitheater with my theater friends. Afterward I went to Taylor to help with Footloose on Monday. Backstage is better, but I still worry about the show itself. It was an especially fun time with Alex and Nicholas, Monday. It's really nice to "hang out" and joke and talk with them and the people at school. Especially after how dull the conversations were over the weekend (excluding the Monticello party and afterward, of course).

I can't get over how much I love my life right now, despite the stress and responsibility, I am having the time of my life and I plan on enjoying every moment of it.

Tuesday started off "meh," and turned out to be pretty great thanks to Gemini. Once again, he engaged me in conversation, glances, laughter, questions, his life. I felt so much closer to him yesterday after that. It was exhilarating. We are so open and friendly sometimes and barely conversational at others. I guess it just might depend on when we catch one another throughout the day, but it just makes it confusing. I am trying my best to be patient and not be too eager/anxious. I still maintain that he should make the first move and that seems to be working so far. I just hope (like I have said time and time again) that things keep progressing and moving forward. I want so badly for this one thing to work out in my favor, one way or another. Somehow.

Beyond that, today was beautiful and I got to hang out with Aaron at Fernbank. In some ways, I think we're closer now than ever. It makes me happy because he puts effort and care into our friendship--something I feel a lot of my friends don't do. It's days like these that make me so excited for summer--the freedom and the joy--and being carefree.

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