Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Some progress. And patience.

I managed to somehow I've been able to find my way through all the stress and bullshit some. I've realized I can't let myself shut down when something isn't going right or I don't get what I want or need. I've been practicing the philosophies I've been realizing lately and it has been very helpful. Philosophy doesn't help my sleeping schedule or lack thereof, but it helps my spirits, which is good.

I think I'm finally learning how to accept things for what they are and not over analyzing things like I tend to do. I still think about things a lot, but I'm not letting my thoughts and my emotions mix as much right now. At least, I don't think...ha.

The next week and a half is going to be insane. And I'm scared, but I'm trying not to be. I'm trying to remind myself that no matter what all of these things will be survived. I might be stressed, lose sleep, or cry, but it will all come to its own as it should.

That's another significant thing I've learned lately. I've learned that patience really is the greatest virtue. And the more patient, I am the more rewarding and liberating the results are.

I have made progress and am in progress. This journey is coming to its end in the next few weeks and its hard to fathom. Perhaps it's good circumstance that I'm too busy to truly fathom all of that just yet.

Once I'm through this phase, I can finally open myself up to the next phase I've been so looking forward to.

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